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The 2nd Generation of Computer

The 2nd Generation of Computer

If we talk about the 2nd generation of computer, the period of the 2nd generation started in 1959 and ended in 1975.

2nd Generation of Computer

2nd Generation Computer

The computers of this generation were made with transistors that were cheaper and consumed less power.
Because of transistors the size of computers of the 2nd generation was compact.

It was more reliable and faster than the 1st generation of the computer that was made of the vacuum tube.

In the 2nd generation of computer, magnetic cores were used as the primary memory and magnetic tape and magnetic disks as secondary storage.

In this generation of computers, assembly language and high-level programming languages like COBOL, FORTRAN was used.

Batch processing and multi-programming were done in those computers.

The term 48-bit machine was used for these computers. Two versions of transistor computers were made. Many computers made with transistors were developed by different countries.

2nd Generation of Computer
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First japan developed ETL Mark III in 1956, Canada developed DRTE computer in 1957, Austria developed Mailufterl in1958.

These were the first transistorized computers in Asia, Canada, and Europe respectively.

The development of the IBM-608 was done after the prototyping of the all-transistor version of the 604.

It was developed in 1954 but was not commercialized. 

Then S-1000 scientific computer and the S-2000 electronic data processing computer were developed using this model.

The most commercial transistor computer was developed by IBM.

 It introduced the IBM-7070, which was its first commercial transistorized computer.

 IBM-7090 was developed in 1959. It was a 36-bit scientific machine. It had also had built a large amount of IBM-1401 computers.

 It captured a large share of the world market. More computers were built between 1960 to 1964.

IBM developed System 360 and hybrid circuits in 1964. The System 360 series used IBM’s Solid Logic Technology (SLT) modules.

Example Of 2nd Generation Of Computer.

  • IBM 1620
  • IBM 7094
  • CDC 1604
  • CDC 3600
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