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The 4th Generation Of Computer

                 The 4th Generation Of Computer

The 4th Generation Of Computer

                                            The 4th Generation Of Computer

In this article, I am going to discuss the 4th generation of computer and up-gradation in the previous generation of computers.

The period of 4th generation of computer was from 1971 to 1980. The computer of this generation used a very large-scale integrated circuit(VLSI).

VLSI circuit used to have about 5000 transistors and other elements of circuits on a single chip. That technology made the computer of  4th generation micro-computer.

The fourth generation of computer was more powerful, compact, reliable, and affordable, and portable.

These computers gave the birth of personal computers i.e:-this generation revolutionizes the personal computer.

In this generation time-sharing, real-time networks, distributed operating systems were used. High-level languages like C, C++, DBASE, etc., were used in this generation.

If we compare the computers of 4th generation with computers of 1st generation, computers of 1st generation occupied the entire room whereas computers of 4th generation were fitted on the palm.

The microprocessor chips were used in the 4th generation of computer. The concept of oops(Object Orient Programming) was used in the 4th generation of computer.

Various programming languages used in this generation were based on OOPS(Object Oriented Programming Systems) like Java, Visual Basic, etc. 

IBM developed the first personal computer that was the fourth generation of computers. These computers used less amount of electricity to run.

The 1stt supercomputer that was able to perform many calculations accurately was the 4th generation of computer.

These supercomputers are also used in networking. These supercomputers increased storage capacity up to several gigabytes or even terabytes.

AC was not required while using these computers. The concept of the internet was discovered because of the 4th generation of computers.

The computers of this generation were small in size and cheap in price. Computer networking was started using the 4th generation of computer.

Example of 4th generation of computer

  1. DEC 10
  2. STAR 1000
  3. PDP 11
  4. CRAY-1(Super Computer)
  5. CRAY-X-MP(Super Computer)

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